2009: Thoughts on the New Year from AllStarHealth.com

2009 won't be a walk in the park for many. Rule 1: Protect your health!
A New Year is a always a great occasion to reflect on the year just passed and set goals for the year about to arrive.
It’s always been the perfect time of year to re-commit to losing excess weight, getting into better shape, getting that blood pressure down, stop smoking, clean up your diet or start taking some supplements. These are all worthwhile, achievable goals. But, suddenly, protecting your health has taken on a new urgency and importance. Suddenly, even with the best health insurance in the world, taking your health for granted, or taking avoidable risks with your health is a very risky proposition.
It’s become hard to ignore the grim economic forecasts and predictions for 2009, and no matter how you look at it, it will at the very least be a year fraught with uncertainty and serious challenges for many people. Between a potentially devastating global recession, widespread job losses, the broad collapse of housing and other investment sectors, and no clear or straightforward solutions coming from government, it has literally never been more important to cultivate and protect your health.
Protecting your health is a lifestyle. It doesn’t come down to any one thing, you’ve got to be doing as many as you can: exercise, clean diet, stress reduction, smoking cessation, good sleep habits and yes, supplements. Supplements are only one part of that process but they are an indispensable part of that process. You should, at a minimum, be taking a good multivitamin and omega 3 supplement like fish or flax oil. There’s plenty more you could use and benefit from. Make it your business to investigate and exploit every option you can to get healthy and stay healthy. We want to play a role in helping you achieve that by keeping your supplement costs down and helping you stay informed.
While we’re not a research service and cannot prescribe specific supplements for health problems, discussing your supplement questions is a big part of what this blog is about. Submit your questions by posting a comment or emailing mtaylor@allstarhealth.com.
AllStarHealth.com will be launching a new and more streamlined website in 2009 that will make finding and ordering your items faster and easier. We’ll also continue to add the latest and best nutrition products to the already massive 8000+ selection of items currently offered. The AllStarHealth.com blog will keep updating you on products, news and informative Q&A discussions.
From all of us at AllStarHealth, here’s wishing you a safe New Year’s holiday and a healthy and prosperous New Year.