Posts Tagged ‘Beta Alanine’

Improving endurance naturally…quite possibly the Holy Grail of all high performance athletes. If you search for it on the internet, you’ll find a bunch of articles providing you with workout programs and exercise routines to help you get faster and stronger. Yeah, big whoop, we know that. Chances are if you’re interested in improving your […]

Supplements you may or may not be using, but definitely should be!

Vertical Jump Exercise Solutions

September 15th, 2011

Exercises, strategy and supplements to improve your vertical jump.

Learn what supplements and exercises can help you add inches to your vertical jump. A program is detailed providing guidelines for taking the supplements in synergy with the exercise program. An exercise program is also provided.

Calls were coming in about the new USP Labs Jack3d today, so I thought I would share the product information with you.  USP Labs created Jack3d to compete with the popular pre-workout supplements like BSN NO-Xplode.  They claim that Jack3d gives you explosive energy, so not only will it get you up to go to the gym, you have power to […]