Posts Tagged ‘caffeine’

Based on the kinds of questions customers email us, it’s pretty clear: one thing everyone seems to need more of is energy. While there are some great products you can use for a useful short-term energy boost, you can’t depend on these to get you through life, and you’ll need a better long-term solution. Make sure you’re not losing juice to these hidden energy sappers.

For most people, a good B complex vitamin helps increase their sense of mental and physical energy although the effects are subtler than stimulants like caffeine. If you need more of a stimulant kick, and don’t mind some caffeine, you can’t go wrong with the

It seems like coffee has always had bad rap among the health-conscious. What have you heard? That it will cause cancer? Cause an ulcer? Raise risk of a heart attack? Actually, none of these are supported by science. Find out why and how coffee can be a beneficial, healthy beverage.

Mailbag Q: I am a busy 38 year-old mother of 2 who works part time. I have been struggling with feeling sluggish and tired for months. I always wake up tired and need coffee right away just to function. I ‘m gaining more and more weight and am too tired to exercise. I haven’t changed my diet but according to my doctor, everything is “normal”. I am so frustrated and tired of being tired! How can I increase my metabolism?
A: To increase your metabolism, there are four areas to look at.

Sure, you can pop a caffeine pill or use an energy drink, but that’s a short term solution at best. How can you safely enhance your metabolism and feel energized all day long? Welcome to today’s Top Ten List.