Archive for the ‘Human Body 101’ Category

Along with losing weight, joining a gym and giving up smoking, another popular New Year idea is undergoing a detox program of some kind. but there are a lot of competing and overlapping schools of thought about detoxing, what toxins are, and how to best help the body eliminate them. Experts and quacks alike have written dozens of books on the subject, advocating this or that approach to get rid of toxins and waste. There’s no one universally agreed-upon definition or approach to detoxification. Yet, fundamentally all detox protocols have the same goal…

People spend billions of dollars each year on skin care products of every description, all in hopes of achieving clearer, healthier or younger-looking skin. But before you spend another dime on an overpriced/overhyped moisturizer, think about this; any skin you can see is dead tissue, and as such, there isn’t much you can put on it to make meaningful, long term changes in its health or appearance. To achieve that, you’ve got to cultivate good skin from the inside out. Here’s your simplified guide to good-skin nutrition.

Mailbag Q: I am a busy 38 year-old mother of 2 who works part time. I have been struggling with feeling sluggish and tired for months. I always wake up tired and need coffee right away just to function. I ‘m gaining more and more weight and am too tired to exercise. I haven’t changed my diet but according to my doctor, everything is “normal”. I am so frustrated and tired of being tired! How can I increase my metabolism?
A: To increase your metabolism, there are four areas to look at.