Posts Tagged ‘herbs for stress’

There has been a lot of buzz within the health community lately about the group of herbs known as adaptogens. These prized plants are becoming wildly popular and the trend is expected to continue. The term adaptogen may be used to describe any substance, compound, or practice that is used medicinally in order to promote […]

The modern way of life has many benefits.  We have highly advanced technology, communications and information systems. However, with these benefits come some downsides, one of which is the prevalence of anxiety disorders and feelings of stress that this ‘information overload’ and the fast pace of modern life can produce.

Rhodiola Rosea is a herb gaining popularity as an alternative to expensive prescription medicines for stress and anxiety.  During times like these, where many are facing economic hardships, it is no question that depression may begin to be on the rise.  That being said, it is important to see the more cost effective and natural medicines to face […]