The Stress-Free Herb: Rhodiola Rosea

February 23rd, 2010


Rhodiola Rosea is a herb gaining popularity as an alternative to expensive prescription medicines for stress and anxiety.  During times like these, where many are facing economic hardships, it is no question that depression may begin to be on the rise.  That being said, it is important to see the more cost effective and natural medicines to face this affliction. Instead of prescription medications where the caution label is longer than this blog, you may consider turning to the herb Rhodiola Rosea.


Depression is something many people around the world battle on a daily basis. Rhodiola Rosea is being accepted as an anti-depressant by more and more people as costs begin to rise for so-called depression cures.  Though nothing should be considered a cure-all perfect solution for anything, it is worth exploring the chemical reaction this herb has with the body.  It works by inhibiting monoamine oxidases to help balance dopamine and serotonin levels, similar to the ways of the prescribed MAOI’s. 

Rhodiola Rosea is much more than a mood regulator.  While the economic crisis may have some of us down, it is more likely that we all feel overworked and drained from time to time.  That’s where Rhodiola Rosea comes in. This natural drug has been proven to help with both mental and physical fatigue. And it doesn’t stop there.  The yellow-flowered plant has also shown some promising qualities to help fight other disease, earning itself a leaf on the antioxidant tree.


There are even more beneficial qualities including relieving stress and helping to counter the effects of stress, such as anxiety, weight gain, and changes in appetite. This herb is one that more people should be aware of since it is incredibly affordable and doesn’t require health insurance.

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