Posts Tagged ‘n-acetyl-cysteine’

An interesting study suggests that extracts of 2 common kitchen herbs are potent alcohol-detoxifying agents that could protect the liver and brain from the kind of damage that accrues with continuous alcohol abuse. 

In a study reminiscent of the back-and-forth over whether beta carotene increases lung cancer risk in smokers or not, a study now suggests that curcumin too can increase the risk of lung cancer development when cancer-promoting factors like smoking, or a history of smoking, are present. As a possible mechanism for this effect, the researchers suggested that curcumin may promote cancer in smokers by accelerating the formation of free radicals in damaged lung tissue.

Q: We’ve noticed the many different cleansing products available now and have a few supplement-using friends that strongly advocate cleanses. We wonder if you could give us a little guidance on choosing the best one?

A: There seems to be a lot of confusion about cleansing products. Customers can have a hard time determining if they need one at all, what the differences are between cleansing products and how to go about choosing a product. Here’s an overview of cleansing products and what they can and can’t do for you.