Posts Tagged ‘tryptophan’

Dear AllStarHealth,

You probably get this question around every Thanksgiving; what is it in turkey that makes people tired, is it really the tryptophan and everyone seems to suggest? I’ve tried taking tryptophan for insomnia and it didn’t seem to make me tired at all.


Frank Bucholz, Hanover, PA

A: The idea that it’s the tryptophan in turkey, and not other factors, that induces the post-meal drowsiness has been around for a long time now. It arose in the early 80’s when….

Holidays are supposed to be a time of reflection, companionship and joy. And they usually are, until you get sick. Yes, the Cold & Flu season is here again and waiting to pounce. But we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to whip that immune system into shape and keep it running at full power so you enjoy unwrapping presents instead of another box of Kleenex. You can do any or all of these things, but don’t wait too long to get started. Fall in, soldier!