Posts Tagged ‘vitamin a supplements’
Modern medicine has come a long way since the dark ages, but our fore-fathers knew some things about herbal treatments for illness. Rhinovirus (the common cold) and influenza (the flu) are no more common now than they were 200-500 years ago, but everyone knows when to prepare for the dreaded flu season. Our current 2017-2018 […]
No matter how healthy you eat, getting all your nutritional needs fulfilled with your regular diet can be a challenge. Taking a daily multivitamin can help with that. Think of a multivitamin as your nutritional backup source for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Vitamin A is the antioxidant most responsible for good eye health. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A, and is the substance which is absorbed when you eat animal foods. Carotenes also function as Vitamin A when they are converted by enzymes found in animals and herbivores. Though you can eat some of your recommended daily intake, supplementing […]