Posts Tagged ‘Immune System Boosters’

Fighting The Flu and Colds

February 28th, 2020

Love is in the air during the month of February  – BUT so is the flu, and colds, and other scary germs. Everyone is coughing and sneezing around you, either at work, at school, or in the grocery store.  Aside from getting a yearly flu shot and washing our hands – there are other precautions […]

Modern medicine has come a long way since the dark ages, but our fore-fathers knew some things about herbal treatments for illness. Rhinovirus (the common cold) and influenza (the flu) are no more common now than they were 200-500 years ago, but everyone knows when to prepare for the dreaded flu season. Our current 2017-2018 […]

Ever find yourself looking to sweeten up your meals, but not looking to have the extra calories? Well, there are many alternatives to sugar cane so you can find what works best for you. Some sugar substitutes are chemically produced and others naturally extracted from various plants. People often unintentionally turn to chemically produced sweeteners […]

Cold Sores can be treated with home remedies and supplementation, but a daily regimen geared towards strengthening the Immune System can help keep Cold Sores from ever breaking out in the first place. It is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming active, and to arm yourself with Cold Sore Remedies which help ease the pain and lessen the duration […]