Mailbag: What’s the best test booster?

November 26th, 2008

Test boosters promise increased muscle strength and size? Do they work?

Test boosters promise increased muscle strength and size? Do they work?

Q: I see you have a whole section of testosterone boosters.  But I don’t really know how to pick one, and they all make some pretty tall claims. Heard good and bad things about them. I figure since you guys see what sells and what doesn’t, you’d have an idea about which is the best test booster?


Thousands of customers, everywhere.

A:  We wish we could tell you.  Some people claim great results from test boosters. We can tell you that the best-selling products wouldn’t necessarily be the most worthwhile products.

One problem you face trying to make a recommendation for this kind of product is that most users will claim that a product ‘worked’ (or didn’t work) based on perceived changes (or lack of changes) in muscle size and strength, mood, and libido.  But, absent any hard data like clinical hormone tests, that’s an unreliable way to support the suggestion that testosterone was affected or even played any role at all.  It would be irresponsible for us to recommend a product just because of another customer’s subjective report, just as it would to recommend against a product for the same reason.

For a customer to know if a test booster ‘worked’, he would have to have baseline hormone tests done before using a product, then follow-up tests while using the product.  Our impression is that very few customers do this; none have shared such test results with us.

For AllStarHealth to know which test booster worked best, we’d need that kind of data from multiple users for each product, and needless to say, we don’t have that kind of data. And we probably won’t for the foreseeable future.

And even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to sort out which is the best prouduct for a specific customer. There’s still a great deal of confusion about hormones in the medical and lay communities. There’s confusion about hormone levels, hormone relationships,  and what signs and symptoms correlate to low/high hormone levels.  Also being questioned is the legitimacy of trying to mainpulate hormone levels for optimal health absent clinically-manifest, advanced hormone deficiencies.

That’s why when it comes to hormone-related products, not just test boosters but nearly all hormone products, we can only leave it up to the customer to do his or her homework with respect to ingredients, and ideally, work with a doctor or health professional. A professionally-evaluated hormone test is affordable, possibly covered by insurance and can help you grasp a clear picture of your actual hormone status. Then you’ll have a solid basis, and starting point, for making an informed decision to use a test booster or not.

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