Body First Sale at

December 21st, 2010

bodyfirstlogo introduces BODY FIRST vitamins and supplements!  We know how much you spend on vitamins every month. We know you are searching the internet for vitamin deals and coupons, and we know that you want good quality ingredients.  That is why we picked up an entire line of Body First Vitamins to give you what you are looking for – quality at a low price!

Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM

How much does your Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM cost?  You are probably paying over $20 for a 120 capsule bottle.  So if you break it down, you are paying on average of about $20 for just over 1 month’s supply.  Now compare that brand to Body First Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM 120 caps which is just $11.99 for 120 capsules. That’s a 1-month supply for less than what you pay normally!  And look at the label – this product offers 1500mg of Glucosamine, 1200mg of Chondroitin and 1000mg of MSM!

What about Fish oil?  How much do you spend for 1 month’s supply? Check out BodyStrong 100% Pure Fish Oil (1000mg) 360 sgels for just $14.99 for 360 sgels!  That is a third of a year of fish oil for about $4 a month!

Body First makes Psyllium Husk, DHA, Astaxanthin, and more.  Check out the entire line and start saving today!  If you don’t like what you try, you can return your Body First product for a full refund within 30 days.

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