Healthy Holidays at!

December 12th, 2016

It’s that time again, when Holiday parties and family gatherings abound. As we gather and celebrate with family and friends there is almost always food involved, and let’s face it– most of it is not of the healthiest variety. With all these extra calories heading our way it’s no wonder that the holiday season tends to be a time when a lot of people fall off the whole ‘healthy’ bandwagon. To counter this, now is an excellent time to begin a new exercise regimen. Luckily we’re here to make it easy, with everything from pre-workouts and recovery formulas to equipment and gear.First off, before you begin your workout, you might want to prep your body and mind with one of the various preworkout formulas that you’ll find on our website. These mixes usually contain a cocktail of vitamins, BCAAs, and extracts all combined to help you increase stamina and power during exercise. Be sure to try a couple of our most popular standard preworkouts like Universal Nutrition’s Animal Pump or Cellucor C4. And if you’re interested in all-natural supplements there are a few of those, too! Try Vega Sport’s Preworkout which utilizes all natural herbs to deliver the usual preworkout energy. There’s also Irwin Natura’s Pre-Sport softgels which might be a good choice if you want to stay au naturale but prefer not to mess around with drink mixes.

Once you’ve got your preparing down and are ready to actually dive in to your workout routine, make sure that you’re properly equipped. Shop our selection of lifting gloves and lifting belts if you’re routine involves any heavy weightlifting; or jump on our most popular fitness gloves, by Fit Four. We’ve also got work-out towels and shaker cups for before and after you hit the gym. Want to add a little extra cardio to your routine without too much fuss? Consider investing in a jump rope, or for lower-impact training you could incorporate the walking you already do every day with a step tracking pedometer. And what about those of us who prefer to reap the relaxing and toning benefits of a good yoga or pilates session? We have yoga mats and more! Our Prosource selection of workout gear includes gloves, bags, and even yoga blocks. For strength training or stretching try our Harbinger cables or Valeo Stretch Bands.

Perhaps just as important as the exercise itself, what you give your body afterwards can make a huge difference on how effective your workout is. In order to encourage muscle building and proper (pain-free!) recovery you need to make sure you’re getting enough of all the good stuff that aids your body’s natural systems. Browse our huge selection of post-workout formulas and you’re sure to find something that fits perfectly into your personal routine. Creatine is arguably the most popular recovery supplement, and we have a great deal on our Bodystrong creatine both in powder and capsule form. It also comes in a glutamine combo pack to maximize its effectiveness against post-workout muscle aches. Muscletech has a great deal on their popular post-workout product Cell Tech, so now is a great time to stock up. Myogenix After-Shock and is another best seller. As far as the more natural recovery supplements go you might want to try GAT’s Muscle Martini, which offers a cleaner post-workout formula complete with a fruit and vegetable blend. If taking more than one product doesn’t appeal to you try out EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn, which operates as both a pre- and post- workout supplement.

No matter what your new workout regimen calls for you’re sure to find it here, so before you hit the gym check out our website. Even if all you want is some basic protein powder to fuel up before and after your routine, we’ve got you covered. So go ahead and indulge in the delicious holiday festivities, and feel confident knowing you’re countering the potential unhealthy holiday habits with exercise!

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