Phosphatidylserine Supplements Reduce Cortisol Levels

June 16th, 2011

Phosphatidylserine. Many have heard the name but aren’t familiar with what it is or does. Without getting too technical, phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid component kept in cell membranes by the flippase enzyme. Many people are currently supplement with PS and enjoying it’s cortisol blunting, brain boosting benefits.


It’s also the word of the day because it’s fun to say to your friends (once you get it right that is). Say: Foss-Fa-Tie-Dull-Seer-Ene. You got it, now you’re ready to learn why it’s so well appreciated among physique enthusiasts. Phosphatidylserine reduces the amount of free cortisol in your body and helps keep cortisol levels in a balanced, cyclical rhythm. Unbalanced, non-rhythmic cortisol fluctuations causes excess body fat to be stored and lean muscle to be broken down and consumed as energy. Phosphatidylserine has been shown to reduce post-workout muscle soreness, hasten recovery, increase fat loss and promote muscle growth. Sound good? Well, we’re just getting started…

Phosphatidylserine and Cortisol

Simply put, phosphatidylserine is an extremely effective cortisol blunting supplement. It has also been shown to reduce post-workout exercise induced cortisol, which in turn facilitates recovery, fat loss and muscle repair. How? Because the hormone cortisol is acivated as a natural reaction to stress, including physical, mental, emotional and even psycho-physiological (primarily the self-creation of stressful situations in your mind that induces real physical stress responses within the body). Cortisol’s purpose is to help your body survive in times of extreme stress. It is released in high amounts during the “fight or flight” response, during times of starvation and other stressful situations. Think about it, if you are lost in a remote area and your body is starving to death, your metabolism will slow down to help save your life and preserve body mass. Cortisol is activated in high amounts to help your body store precious body fat (your life source of fuel at this point) and allow the body to use excess muscle as fuel. This is an extreme example, but it serves its purpose to show you that too much cortisol can be bad for your physique.

With this knowledge in mind, it is beneficial to the physique to keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol blunting supplements like phosphatidylserine can also help reduce lean muscle loss during dieting and cutting periods and speed up the rate of fat loss.

Phosphatidylserine Supplements

When it comes to choosing a phosphatidylserine supplement there are a few things you need to consider before making a purchase. Things such as quantity, potency and the reason for taking it. Questions to ask yourself include:

  • How much do you want to take each day?
  • Do you want more capsules of a smaller amount so you can take it twice a day?
  • Are you an athlete or bodybuilder looking for bulk phosphatidylserine to take post-workout?
  • Are you looking for a high potency PS supplement?

Once you identify your needs, use the following descriptive list to determine which premium phosphatidylserine supplement is the best choice:

  1. Jarrow PS 100 Softgels: A great bulk phosphatidylserine secured in a protective softgel in its natural soy lecithin form. This may help increase absorption of PS and ensure that more get’s utilized in your body.
  2. Jarrow PS 100 Vcaps: A great bulk phosphatidylserine supplement for bodybuilders and athletes looking to take between 300-400mg post-workout, which has been shown to be the ideal post-workout cortisol blunting amount.
  3. Natural Factors PS 100mg: This phosphatidylserine supplement is perfect for dieters and non-athletes looking for minor cortisol suppressing properties at 100mg doses.
  4. Doctor’s Best Phosphatidyl Serine Softgels: This is a great PS supplement for those looking to try phosphatidylserine for the first time. It’s inexpensive, high quality and is one of our top sellers.
  5. Doctor’s Best Phosphatidyl Serine Vcaps: An alternative to the Jarrow PS 100 vcaps supplement.
  6. Olympian Labs Phosphatidyl-Serine (100mg): An inexpensive PS supplement favored by bodybuilders and athletes for its great price and quality.
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