Quick Pimple and Blemish Treatment

May 18th, 2010

Blemish Touch Stick

Blemishes, pimples and skin irritations are more erratic during hot days, so grab a blemish stick or Acne Spot Treatment tub and throw it in your purse or gym bag this summer!  Blemish treatment starts at home with a good facial cleansing habits, but sometimes breakouts occur when you least expect them.  Might as well be attacking those pesky pimples every chance you get.  The easiest way to fight your acne is with something quick and easy to carry around like a Blemish Stick or Acne Spot Treatment.

Most blemish sticks have some type of antiseptic ingredient like tea tree or juniper oil.  They may also have Calendula or Parsley Oil which help reduce the inflammation of the blemish and make it less red and irritated.  They are basically little vials that you can dab on the pimple a couple times a day.

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