Posts Tagged ‘aloe vera’

The Many Benefits of Aloe Vera

November 24th, 2020

Aloe vera has been getting attention from consumers due to the numerous benefits this plant can provide. Aloe is a great ingredient used in oral health products, skin products and digestive health. Check out Now Aloe Vera Gels here at All Star Health. This product offers a variety of minerals and nutrients to help boost […]

Getting sunburnt is probably my least favorite part about summer, but what are you supposed to do about it?

When you think about summer you think about outdoor fun…beaches, lakes, boating, hiking and all the BBQ’s and picnics that fill up your schedule. Though it is a great time to leave some of those daily responsibilities behind, there are a couple tips to keep in mind to stay protected from the sun while enjoying […]

If you regularly buy things like shampoo, conditioner, and skin care items at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed that those products are expensive and full of unpronounceable, unfamiliar chemical ingredients. Would you like to read about some less-expensive, better-performing alternatives, with more natural and fewer synthetic ingredients? Welcome to today’s blog post, all about natural body care alternatives.