Posts Tagged ‘essential oils’

Aromatherapy With Essential Oils

February 18th, 2021

There are many approaches to promoting a healthy mind, body and spirit.  Many of us already use a combination of antioxidants, herbs, and vitamins to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  So what else can we do?  A natural addition to your current wellness routine may be the use of aromatherapy. So, what exactly is aromatherapy? Experts […]

There is a popular obsession right now with facial masks that claim to drastically improve your skin. You probably see dozens of options ranging from gel to clay to paper, but what actually works? One of the most popular types that has taken the internet by storm is bentonite clay. Online, you’ll find thousands of […]

Finding the right deodorant or antiperspirant can be tricky. The hard part is that when it doesn’t work, everyone around you notices. Some deodorants can also be too dry, too slimy, or just not have the right scent to suit you. The variety of options can be overwhelming, but hopefully this will help you feel […]

Cold Sores can be treated with home remedies and supplementation, but a daily regimen geared towards strengthening the Immune System can help keep Cold Sores from ever breaking out in the first place. It is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming active, and to arm yourself with Cold Sore Remedies which help ease the pain and lessen the duration […]

Essential Oils come from the leaves, flowers, seeds, roots and stems of aromatic herbs.  They are used for Aromatherapy or can be mixed with shampoos, soaps and lotions to create unique cosmetics.  Essential oils are widely used in candles and diffusers to fill a room with their delightful aromas.  The use of essentials oils dates back in to the Egyptians and the Chinese, […]

If you regularly buy things like shampoo, conditioner, and skin care items at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed that those products are expensive and full of unpronounceable, unfamiliar chemical ingredients. Would you like to read about some less-expensive, better-performing alternatives, with more natural and fewer synthetic ingredients? Welcome to today’s blog post, all about natural body care alternatives.