Posts Tagged ‘carnitine’

Sure, protein shakes are a great way to get extra protein in your diet, but if that’s all you use your protein shake for – just protein – then you’re missing out.

Here’s a study we wish they’d have done a long time ago. As you may know, blueberries are one of the most, if not THE most antioxidant-rich fruits in the human diet due to their high polyphenol content. They also taste great and are available year-round in both fresh and frozen forms. So blueberries make the perfect addition to a protein shake. Or don’t they?

Commonly Confused Supplements

September 29th, 2008

With thousands of dietary supplements on the market and more emerging every day, there are a growing number of similar-sounding products making it all too easy to buy the wrong product for your needs. For example, there’s calcium ascorbate, calcium pyruvate and calcium d-glucarate, but none of these is actually a calcium supplement. Here’s a guide to help you sort out the most commonly-confused supplements.