Posts Tagged ‘echinacea’

Flu and cold viruses are common during the fall and winter. You start sneezing and feeling symptoms such as a sore throat, runny nose, congestion, headaches and much more. Around this time of the year, as soon as we start experiencing these symptoms most of us rely on Supplements, warm food and teas, and many other remedies […]

Winter is a good time to take a look at the strategies and supplements that help bolster our immune system and ward off or minimize the downside of low immunity, such as colds and flu, tiredness and lethargy. Many of us start out the New Year with health and fitness goals and the last thing […]

Flu Bug Bite You Yet?

November 10th, 2010

The Flu bug bit me earlier this month, and it was a serious doozy!  If it wasn’t for Vitamin C, hot tea, flu formulas and lots of rest, I would still be curled up under a blanket, sick and miserable, watching reality TV reruns with a box of tissue by my side. 

Historically, garlic has been considered a powerful plant for preventing disease and treating common ailments.  The benefits of garlic can be obtained through cooking with the garlic cloves, or by taking one of many supplements on the market.  One major benefit of supplementing vs. cooking garlic is being able to avoid the bad breath that garlic […]

Finding allergy relief from a natural supplement can help you avoid some of the negative side effects that typical store bought medicines will have.  Quercetin, Butterbur, Bromelain, Echinacea and Grape Seed are good alternatives but you have to test them out to make sure they are the right supplement for you. 

Echinacea supplements use different species of the herb like angustifolia and purpurea. How do I know which one will work best?