Posts Tagged ‘quercetin’

5 Seasonal Allergy Tips

May 10th, 2017

The sun is shining and flowers are blooming. Spring is in the air! It’s all so lovely until you get that runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing attack. Blame it on pollen that’s on the rise as the weather warms up. Welcome to allergy season! Allergens are present all year but in the spring, when pollination […]

Women’s vitamins have evolved into pretty complex products.  There are hundreds of different Multi’s on the market now, all of them containing some similarities and some big differences.  I wanted to pick out some of the ingredients that I saw most often and find out more about them.  So, that brings me to this week’s blog where […]

For too long, athletes have relied on sugar laden pre-workout and recovery drinks, so the carbs they burn in exercise are replenished with high fructose corn syrup, dextrose and maltodextrin. The energy from those carbs is bulky and ineffective, especially in endurance athletes. Endurance athletes need clean energy that can be sustained in their body for the entirety of […]

Finding allergy relief from a natural supplement can help you avoid some of the negative side effects that typical store bought medicines will have.  Quercetin, Butterbur, Bromelain, Echinacea and Grape Seed are good alternatives but you have to test them out to make sure they are the right supplement for you. 

Enzymes are a rapidly-growing category of nutritional supplement. Digestive enzymes are the most popular types, but systemic enzymes are gaining acceptance too. Systemic enzymes are used for all kinds of health issues from chronic sinusitis to back pain and sports injuries. Find out more about systemic enzymes today’s AllStarHealth blog.