Posts Tagged ‘red yeast rice’

Probiotic supplements help to restore a healthy population of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. These Probiotics are most commonly used for digestive disorders, less often (but very effectively) for immune system support. They’re among the safest supplements you can use since they never enter the bloodstream and are essentially non-toxic. Recent research suggests that probiotics can lower cholesterol, too.

The FDA is going after General Mills for the health claims they made for Cheerios cereal (read the warning letter here).

Among nutrients used for cholesterol support, fiber, Co Q-10, niacin, and red yeast rice get most of the attention. But plant sterols are not only effective, they’re extremely affordable, safe…and isn’t that what everyone starts out looking for in the first place? A recent study agrees, calling sterols “an important but underused dietary component in the treatment of elevated blood cholesterol”.

Nutrition News Roundup

September 15th, 2008

The stress herb that lowers cholesterol, another body blow for fructose, and a big sigh of relief for popcorn lovers. Here’s a roundup of the latest nutrition research.