Posts Tagged ‘supplements to lower cholesterol’

Among nutrients used for cholesterol support, fiber, Co Q-10, niacin, and red yeast rice get most of the attention. But plant sterols are not only effective, they’re extremely affordable, safe…and isn’t that what everyone starts out looking for in the first place? A recent study agrees, calling sterols “an important but underused dietary component in the treatment of elevated blood cholesterol”.

Mailbag: Cholesterol and Co Q-10

February 25th, 2009

Dear AllStarHealth,

Why is it recommended that people who have high-cholesterol take Co Q-10? Co Q-10 doesn’t lower cholesterol. Or does it?

Thank you,

Heather B.

Boulder, CO

Dear Heather,

It’s true that Co Q-10 isn’t a dependable way to lower cholesterol, but if you have high LDL cholesterol levels, it’s probably still a good idea for you to take it anyway. Here’s why.