The Enzyme Only Company – Enzymedica – Now on Sale

September 21st, 2010

Enzymedica solely produces Enzyme Formulas.  Their focus on enzymes makes them experts in this nutritional category, and leads to optimizion of the therapeutic value of their products.  Enzymedica Digest Gold, Digest, Candidase and ViraStop have hit the shelves at Al Star Health, so here’s a brief summary of their most popular products.

Digestive Product

Enzymedica Digest Gold is probably the most popular product, and has a highly potent formula recommended for treatment of IBS, Heartburn, Excessive Gas and other digestive issues.  This digestion product is plant based, vegan, kosher, and comes in capsule form for easy swallowing.  It is a also great choice for those with lipase deficiency because the 3k active units of Lipase in each cap help break down fats, triglycerides and lipids.  Simply put, Digest Gold helps your body use less energy to break down foods, which in turn takes stress off the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.

For those suffering from Yeast Infections or other forms of Candidiasis, Enzymedica Candidase can help manage your yeast overgrowth.  Three issues that cause yeast overgrowth are excess Fiber in the large intestine, undigested fiber in the colon, and inability to digest excess protein (which is what makes up most of the yeast cell).  Enzymedica Candidase is a high potency Cellulase product which addresses all three issues.  

Many symptoms stem from poor digestive health, so your overall well-being may improve simply by taking Enzymedica products.  Optimal digestive health keeps you free of symptoms such as food allergies, fatigue, irritability, headaches, depression, vaginal infections, menstrual difficulties, hay fever, coughing, athlete’s foot, psoriasis and more.  Digestive balance is the key to helping your body work more efficiently.

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