Tips for Summer Skincare and Sunburn Relief

July 7th, 2009

When you think about summer you think about outdoor fun…beaches, lakes, boating, hiking and all the BBQ’s and picnics that fill up your schedule. Though it is a great time to leave some of those daily responsibilities behind, there are a couple tips to keep in mind to stay protected from the sun while enjoying your favorite activities. Sun Block, After Sun Soothers and homemade Sunburn Remedies can hep you enjoy your days without any unnecessary discomfort.

Well, it goes without saying that Sun Block is on the top of the list not only this summer but all year round.  That sun isn’t going to have mercy on your this summer, so put it on – all day long!  Last week I heard a story about a girl who went out kayaking on a glassy lake one afternoon.  There were plenty of trees and shade, but she thought she could get just a “little color” while getting in some exercise for an hour or two.  In that short period of time on  a cool day, she went home with sunburn so bad she had to use a wet ice compress to treat and comfort her skin.  Her entire body ended up blistering and peeling the next week, even after sitting in cool baths and applying sunburn ointment everyday.

Another tale is about that guy you see on his second day of vacation with the bright red skin sitting under an umbrella.  He thought he could go out his first day of vacation without any protection and ended up spending the rest of his trip sitting in the shade, hiding under the patios, and passing on all the adventures the rest of his family and friends went out and enjoyed.

Even the most careful sun worshippers do get burned every once in a while, so try a topical herbal relief containing lavender which helps fight infection.  You can make your own with a lavender and chamomile mixture or try NOW Lavender Tea Tree Oil Blend and just dilute with olive oil or vitamin e.  There are dozens of make-it-yourself remedies on the web.  You can always just buy a ready made ointment like BURT’S BEES After Sun Soother which has coconut oil, aloe and other soothing ingredients to treat your skin.  So, enjoy a safe summer and keep your skincare in mind so you can concentrate on the sizzling summer days instead.

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