Every year around this time, the forces of nature collaborate and conspire to add as many pounds as possible to our bodies before we know what’s happened. But we’re going to let you in a few products that will let you enjoy yourself this holiday season without nuking the results of all your hard work dieting and working out this past summer and fall.

The vast majority of nutritional supplements are already cholesterol-free or have nutritionally insignificant amounts of cholesterol. None are high-cholesterol when used in typical amounts. Protein shakes and meal replacement shakes are a great idea for those on low cholesterol diets because they take the place of high-protein higher-cholesterol foods like meats, dairy, seafood and eggs.

For most people, a good B complex vitamin helps increase their sense of mental and physical energy although the effects are subtler than stimulants like caffeine. If you need more of a stimulant kick, and don’t mind some caffeine, you can’t go wrong with the

Commonly-confused supplements.

November 10th, 2008

Supplement names and abbreviations have always been a source of confusion and mistakenly-ordered products. With new products and more advanced products entering the market each month, it’s likely to become even more confusing. So here’s a breakdown of the most commonly confused and misunderstood supplements.

Admit it. You get tired of the same old protein shakes. Well we hear you. So we’ve compiled some recipes, ingredients and enhancements you can use to perk up the taste and nutritional profile of your shakes.

Protein and meal replacement shakes have gone mainstream in a big way. Once solely the province of bodybuilders and hardcore dieters, nowadays everyone drinks shakes. But it can take some practice and trail-and-error before you can truly be called a  Shake Master. Here’s Part One of our Guide to Shake-ology; some FAQ’s and other pointers. […]

If you regularly buy things like shampoo, conditioner, and skin care items at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed that those products are expensive and full of unpronounceable, unfamiliar chemical ingredients. Would you like to read about some less-expensive, better-performing alternatives, with more natural and fewer synthetic ingredients? Welcome to today’s blog post, all about natural body care alternatives.

Amino Acid Supplement Guide

October 29th, 2008

Amino acids are among the most useful and unique nutritional supplements, but they’re not as familiar to most people as vitamins and minerals. People use amino acids for their specific and specialized effects on the mind and body. In this blog post, we’ll do a quick rundown of the most common types of and uses for amino acid supplements. There’s a good chance you could benefit from one or several.

Nutrients that can protect against cellphone radiation? A weight-loss drug that fights cancer? Find out more in this edition of the One-Minute Nutrition Research Roundup

Tablets, capsules, softgels, liquids, chewables and powders; supplements come in all forms and that’s a good thing since it gives consumers a wide range of choices. But confusion persists about which forms are best with respect to absorption, materials, results and other factors. Here’s the AllStarHealth guide to sort out the benefits and drawbacks of each format.