Posts Tagged ‘dry skin’

There is a popular obsession right now with facial masks that claim to drastically improve your skin. You probably see dozens of options ranging from gel to clay to paper, but what actually works? One of the most popular types that has taken the internet by storm is bentonite clay. Online, you’ll find thousands of […]

More and more these days it seems everyone is wising up to the dangers of harsh chemicals and additives. This spreading awareness has lead to an explosion of new natural, chemical-free versions of almost every product we use in our daily lives, from household cleaning products and food to everything in between. This “all-natural” craze […]

People spend billions of dollars each year on skin care products of every description, all in hopes of achieving clearer, healthier or younger-looking skin. But before you spend another dime on an overpriced/overhyped moisturizer, think about this; any skin you can see is dead tissue, and as such, there isn’t much you can put on it to make meaningful, long term changes in its health or appearance. To achieve that, you’ve got to cultivate good skin from the inside out. Here’s your simplified guide to good-skin nutrition.