Posts Tagged ‘why detox’

Spring is around the corner and before long it will be time to shed your winter coats and come out of hibernation. Spring is the ideal time to detox, reset, cleanse and renew your overall health and well-being. You’ve heard about products that help you detox and cleanse. You’ll even find a few of them […]

Along with losing weight, joining a gym and giving up smoking, another popular New Year idea is undergoing a detox program of some kind. but there are a lot of competing and overlapping schools of thought about detoxing, what toxins are, and how to best help the body eliminate them. Experts and quacks alike have written dozens of books on the subject, advocating this or that approach to get rid of toxins and waste. There’s no one universally agreed-upon definition or approach to detoxification. Yet, fundamentally all detox protocols have the same goal…