Back to School with Vitamin D, Iron and Calcium

August 31st, 2009

Children’s Vitamins and proper nutrition will keep your kid in school instead of home sick this Fall.  Proper diet is sometimes enough but it is usually a good idea to make sure they have proper levels of Vitamin D, Iron, and Calcium which you can find in many children’s multi-vitamins.  It all depends on activity level, healthy diet, age and overall health of a child, so make sure to assess every factor to see if anything is lacking.

Deficiency of Vitamin D can be caused from not drinking enough milk, along with surprising other reasons like too much television time, or increased hours on the computer.  When kids are inside watching TV or playing games on the computer, they probably are not spending enough time outside.  This can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and weak bones.  You can even give your child extra Vitamin D in a vitamin that is fun for them to take, like L’il Kids Gummy Vites.

Iron is essential to keep kids from becoming anemic.  Usually cereals are a good source of Iron for your children, but the amount they need depends on age, sex, and factors for infants like whether they were breast fed.  Pre-teen girls need to make sure they have enough iron especially when they begin their periods.  Now makes an affordable kids multi called Kid Vits (chewable) in Berry Blast and Orange Splash.

Calcium is a mineral necessary for strong bones and teeth.  If your child’s diet doesn’t consist of enough dairy from milk, yogurt, cheese, and orange juice they might need some extra supplementation.  Kids with allergies to dairy certainly need a vitamin like a chewable Bayer Healthcare Flintstones Complete which has 100 mg of Calcium along with Vitamin A, C, D, E, B6, B12, Zinc and other important minerals and vitamins.

So keep your kids healthy and focused this school year, so you won’t be making extra trips to pick them up with the sniffles!

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