Posts Tagged ‘brittle hair’

Hair Care Tips for the Seasons

September 28th, 2020

As summer comes to an end and the heat lingers behind for a while longer, hot and humid weather can have a major impact on your scalp and hair care. carries hundreds of hair products in our Bath & Body category.

Moisturize with Argan Oil

August 17th, 2012

Argan oil acts as a moisturizer for your hair and your skin. I first heard about argan oil as I was looking through a beauty supply store for something to help reduce fly away hairs. Their employee directed me to Argan Oil because it would replenish the natural oils of my hair, which reduce dry […]

Dear AllStarHealth,

I’m a 30 y.o. female and new mother. Over the last year or so, I’ve become aware that my hair is growing much slower than it did while I was in college. It also seems to be thinner and drier and falls out more easily. My doctor seems unconcerned, just said to make sure to keep eating enough and take my prenatal. Believe me, I eat enough and I’ve been taking this prenatal for over a year now. There’s got to be something else? I ‘ve seen “hair vitamins” , should I use one of those or can you suggest any particular supplements that might help?



Malibu, CA

Dear Gabriella,

Congratulations! Well, on one hand there are indeed a few nutritional supplements that ‘work’, that people have successfully used to improve the growth and condition of their hair. On the other hand

If you’re one of the millions of people who use commercial hair dyes to lighten or perm your hair, you already know that the peroxide in those products damages your hair. A new study shows that by adding an inexpensive antioxidant to a peroxide hair dye, the hair is protected without affecting the results. This is a golden opportunity for that industry to launch a new generation of better, healthier products.