Posts Tagged ‘protein’

Source: This blog is courtesy of Quest Nutrition So, that’s why a healthy diet consists of just a little bit of natural sweetness (found in fruit, like berries or an apple, for example) as well as occasional indulgences—we are human—as opposed to making it the star of your daily meals and snacks. In fact, it’s […]

Healthy Protein Bar Recipe

December 29th, 2020

The holidays are almost behind us, but are you still craving more of those yummy sweets and treats that come along with this wonderful time of year?  A quick and easy protein bar recipe will cure your cravings for those holiday goodies while providing you a great source of protein to stay on that fitness […]

Back in April, we did a blog on vegan supplements you can buy on Have you already tried our veggie protein? BodyStrong 100% Veggie Protein Natural is gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan! This product is for EVERYONE! We’ve already mastered the whey protein, and now those wonderful flavors have been shared with our veggie protein! Just like whey […]

My Heart Will Goji On

June 26th, 2018

As is usual in the world of scientific study and research, it appears that we may have found another superfood that has been consumed for ages, as early as 3rd century CE Asian cuisine. While studies and trials are still being conducted on the claims made about the positive effects of goji berries (also named […]

How to Select a Protein Powder

December 24th, 2014

How do you select a protein with so many options out there?  Protein is an essential macronutrient that is responsible for building muscle, transporting nutrients, and maintaining healthy immune function. It is said that a person wanting to build lean muscle should consume a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal bodyweight. […]

Q: “What are the differences between whey protein supplements and protein from whole foods with respect to muscular reconstruction?” A: The main differences between whey protein supplements and protein from whole foods include the amino acid composition and absorption rate of the protein. You’ve probably heard that whey protein absorbs quite quickly relative to other […]

Q&A by All Star Health

April 20th, 2011

Various questions and answers by All Star health relating to new and lesser-known supplements, training principles, and much more.

Protein is a necessity for every human being but for those of us that workout and want to build muscle, protein is a huge part of our lives and getting that vital nutrient into our system is even easier with Isatori’s Liquid Morph. The monotonous routine of protein powder, water, ice and a blender that’s […]

It’s not the first time that dairy foods have been associated with health risks, but the attention is usually focused on the effects of milk’s naturally-occurring saturated fats and cholesterol, as well as drug and hormonal contamination. More recently, researchers have been looking at the possible long-term effects of milk protein consumption, and they do mean ‘long-term’, going so far as to suggest prenatal effects in expectant Mom’s who consume dairy. But for the millions of nutritionally-conscious consumers who consider dairy protein like whey an important part of their regimen – not to mention the brands that market such supplements – this just-published study raises more questions than answers. We’ll try to put it into perspective in today’ AllStarHealth blog.

Dear AllStarHealth,

I’m a 30 y.o. female and new mother. Over the last year or so, I’ve become aware that my hair is growing much slower than it did while I was in college. It also seems to be thinner and drier and falls out more easily. My doctor seems unconcerned, just said to make sure to keep eating enough and take my prenatal. Believe me, I eat enough and I’ve been taking this prenatal for over a year now. There’s got to be something else? I ‘ve seen “hair vitamins” , should I use one of those or can you suggest any particular supplements that might help?



Malibu, CA

Dear Gabriella,

Congratulations! Well, on one hand there are indeed a few nutritional supplements that ‘work’, that people have successfully used to improve the growth and condition of their hair. On the other hand