The Hemp Hype

October 13th, 2020

Hemp seeds and its remedies have been around for a very long time; however, it seems we are just now realizing the incredible health benefits from this powerful seed. The hemp seed is naturally filled with nutrients, essential fats, and is packed with protein. When compared to other popular seeds such as the chia seed and flax seed, hemp seed calories are made up of 25% protein which is almost 10% more than others.  You can buy Hemp in snack form, oil form as a nutrient to ingest, or oil form for skin benefits.

Hemp seeds can serve as a healthy snack to indulge in or added into your favorite meals. Try Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah! Protein-Packed Super Seed Bar, or Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Shelled if you are looking for a healthy, delicious snack filled with 33% protein and Omega-3.
Hemp also comes in an oil form. This is  probably one of the most popular ways to use it. Hemp oil is said to promote heart health and overall nutrition. The key ingredients are the Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which may contribute to lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Hemp seed oil is also known for reducing inflammation internally and externally, and shielding from heart disease that is caused by inflammation. Check out North American Herb & Spice Canacurmin, a turmeric-hemp extract that helps support the body’s healthy natural anti-inflammatory response.  All Star Health carries a variety of other hemp oil products, like The Health From The Sun Hemp Oil soft-gels that carry very potent Omega fats!
A well known regimen for Hemp seed oil is its moisturizing and healing benefits for the skin. Hemp Creams containing hemp may help skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and chronic acne may benefit from the use of hemp topically. Again, the fatty acids and vitamins stored in the oil could help to heal and protect the skin from aging and infections. Our Nubian Heritage Body Lotion Indian Hemp & Haitian Vetiver is a great source for soft, moisturized, and healthy skin. Shea butter and Neem oil are two of the best ingredients in this lotion to ensure hydrated, supple skin. Hemp products are becoming a new favorite in the world of health with great advantages and results.  Check out all hemp products here!

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