Posts Tagged ‘BioPerine’

The best vitamins for eyes

September 8th, 2011

Learn about the best vitamins for eyes and how you can best utilize them to protect your vision.

Q&A Series – CoQ10 Q: “Can coenzyme Q10 help in weightlifting?” A: There has in fact been a scientific study linking 300mg of coenzyme Q10 supplementation a day to increased fast-twitch muscle fiber composition in adults. What this means is that people ingesting at least 300mg of coq10 a day could expect to have higher […]

Women’s vitamins have evolved into pretty complex products.  There are hundreds of different Multi’s on the market now, all of them containing some similarities and some big differences.  I wanted to pick out some of the ingredients that I saw most often and find out more about them.  So, that brings me to this week’s blog where […]