Archive for the ‘Antioxidants’ Category

Everyone is probably familiar to some degree with the good old beet root, but did you know that their rich red color hides a surprising secret? These ‘old fashioned’ root vegetables are just packed full of health benefits. 

Curcumin the Powerhouse Herb

March 18th, 2015

Many of us are familiar with Turmeric, the bright yellow culinary spice used primarily in western cooking dishes such as curry.  Turmeric is derived from the underground stems of a plant called Curcuma Longa which is a member of the ginger family. Many people, especially those who love curry are familiar with Turmeric, but what […]

Green coffee bean extract has been all over the market for the past year now, but what is it that makes it so special? First of all, let’s make sure we know what it is. Coffee beans grow on trees and are found within red “cherries” seen on the plants. Once the shell is removed […]

Beet Juice as a Superfood

January 10th, 2013

Beets have been recognized as a very powerful vegetable for many years now, and we just keep finding out more benefits of this deep red vegetable. Antioxidant Flavonoids. The deep red color isn’t actually from lycopene (in tomatoes and bell peppers) but from betacyanin related to anthocyanin. I know…these just sound like random big words. […]

Energy Greens

September 13th, 2012

Getting all your necessary fruits and vegetables has been made easier with the various green energy supplements. The bare minimum of fruits and vegetables is 5 servings, but in reality, to get all the nutrients your body needs, it’s closer to 9 servings a day. Some people are like me where they really enjoy certain […]

Cruise around your local Farmers Market as a fun way to start adding more fruit and Superfoods into your diet.   If you haven’t noticed, the Farmers Market scene is really popping right now.  Just in Orange County alone, I found 33 Certified Farmers Markets!  There is at least one every day of the week except for Monday as […]

Learn about the various types of CoQ10 and how to pick the best one for your individual needs and health concerns.

The best vitamins for eyes

September 8th, 2011

Learn about the best vitamins for eyes and how you can best utilize them to protect your vision.

Learn about different superfood powders we carry at and their wonderful health and antioxidant powers!

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) has always been praised as a powerful antioxidant that is both fat and water soluble, so your body is easily able to absorb and utilize it compared to other antioxidants. It has also been praised for possessing the ability to sensitize insulin and help promote glucose metabolism. But who knew that […]