Posts Tagged ‘Lycopene’

Beet Juice as a Superfood

January 10th, 2013

Beets have been recognized as a very powerful vegetable for many years now, and we just keep finding out more benefits of this deep red vegetable. Antioxidant Flavonoids. The deep red color isn’t actually from lycopene (in tomatoes and bell peppers) but from betacyanin related to anthocyanin. I know…these just sound like random big words. […]

Cruise around your local Farmers Market as a fun way to start adding more fruit and Superfoods into your diet.   If you haven’t noticed, the Farmers Market scene is really popping right now.  Just in Orange County alone, I found 33 Certified Farmers Markets!  There is at least one every day of the week except for Monday as […]

Women’s vitamins have evolved into pretty complex products.  There are hundreds of different Multi’s on the market now, all of them containing some similarities and some big differences.  I wanted to pick out some of the ingredients that I saw most often and find out more about them.  So, that brings me to this week’s blog where […]