Posts Tagged ‘Vitamin B’

My Heart Will Goji On

June 26th, 2018

As is usual in the world of scientific study and research, it appears that we may have found another superfood that has been consumed for ages, as early as 3rd century CE Asian cuisine. While studies and trials are still being conducted on the claims made about the positive effects of goji berries (also named […]

As many of you have probably noticed, there are many numbers associated with B vitamins, but what do all the variations mean? Are they all essential to your daily life? Vitamins are named by similar functions rather than similar structures. All the B vitamins are associated with the enzyme process, but each fulfills a specific […]

Cold Sores can be treated with home remedies and supplementation, but a daily regimen geared towards strengthening the Immune System can help keep Cold Sores from ever breaking out in the first place. It is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming active, and to arm yourself with Cold Sore Remedies which help ease the pain and lessen the duration […]