Posts Tagged ‘iron’

The Benefits of Snacking

July 25th, 2019

The Benefits of Snacking We all have mixed feelings about snacking; some people avoid it because high calorie foods can be tempting! But there are healthier alternatives that can provide positive benefits such as regulating moods, preventing overeating during meals, and maintaining blood sugar levels.  All Star Health has made it easy to  have healthy […]

No matter how healthy you eat, getting all your nutritional needs fulfilled with your regular diet can be a challenge. Taking a daily multivitamin can help with that. Think of a multivitamin as your nutritional backup source for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.


April 29th, 2016

Mineral supplements are not as frequently thought of as vitamin supplements, but perhaps they should be! Minerals, even those that we only need in trace amounts, are absolutely crucial to our bodies’ functioning. They help our metabolism work at peak efficiency and keep our bones strong, among other things. If you’re eating a well-balanced diet […]

Cruise around your local Farmers Market as a fun way to start adding more fruit and Superfoods into your diet.   If you haven’t noticed, the Farmers Market scene is really popping right now.  Just in Orange County alone, I found 33 Certified Farmers Markets!  There is at least one every day of the week except for Monday as […]

A few of famed fitness celebrity Jack Lalanne’s favorite supplements.

Children’s Vitamins and proper nutrition will keep your kid in school instead of home sick this Fall.  Proper diet is sometimes enough but it is usually a good idea to make sure they have proper levels of Vitamin D, Iron, and Calcium which you can find in many children’s multi-vitamins.  It all depends on activity level, healthy diet, age and […]

Does dietary iron help high blood pressure or make it worse? Depends on the source of the iron.