Archive for the ‘Men’s Health Issues’ Category

A new study shows that a nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables virtually stops the cell progression of several common types of prostate cancer. This nutrient is already available as a supplement and many men and women are using it right now for detoxification and hormonal support. Find out more about it in today’s AllStarHealth blog.

Are you familiar with nitric oxide? You see a great many supplement products now with names coined around the terms “nitric oxide” and its common abbreviation; “NO”. Nitric oxide is a highly desirable natural compound that promotes better circulation by inducing a natural process known as vasodilation. There are many reasons people may want to increase nitric oxide production and vasodilation; better blood pressure, improved erectile function and muscle fullness are the most common. In response, the supplement industry has created a whole category of supplements to promote vasodilation (” nitric oxide boosters”) most of which rely on, essentially, a single amino acid to get job done. A new study suggests that soy isoflavones are effective NO boosters, too, which could pave the way towards much more effective NO products.

Men taking a logical approach to natural testosterone management know that there’s no magic-bullet pill that magically raises and improves testosterone status just by taking it. And there never will be. Testosterone support products can work well, but if all you’re willing to do is buy and take a pill, don’t expect to be bowled over by your results. Instead, getting good results with natural approaches depends doing everything you can – great or small – that favors testosterone production. At the same time, you’d want to avoid all the things that undermine testosterone production. So at a bare minimum, a man would want to be in a program of regular strenuous exercise like weight training, eating a healthy diet, taking supplements (especially zinc) , and working with a doctor to determine what his hormone levels actually are. By the same token, he’d want to avoid alcohol (and other drugs), overeating, gaining weight and failing to get enough sleep. Should we add also green tea extract to this list of things to avoid? Find out in today’s AllStarHealth blog.

Herba epimedii is an herb that’s been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which refers to it as yin yang huo. Loosely translated, yin yang huo means “horny goat weed”. Horny goat weed is a very popular supplement both by itself and in various libido formulas where it’s combined with other herbs and nutrients. With a name like ‘horny goat weed’ it’s hardly surprising that it’s best-known and most widely-used as a libido and sexual tonic. But the name also makes it hard for people to take the herb seriously. The name too easily lends itself to jokes and makes many otherwise interested customers uncomfortable talking about it or purchasing it. That’s a shame because it’s now clear that horny goat weed is useful for much more than boosting libido. Find out more about the herb with the unfortunate name in today’s blog.

People have used the power of foods and herbs to enhance their love lives since time immemorial. Some of these foods have more of a scientific basis for being effective (note the zinc content of oysters) than others (powdered rhino horn). But besides oysters and heart-shaped pizza, other foods and herbs can enhance your love life, too.

Dear AllStarHealth,

I’m a 30 y.o. female and new mother. Over the last year or so, I’ve become aware that my hair is growing much slower than it did while I was in college. It also seems to be thinner and drier and falls out more easily. My doctor seems unconcerned, just said to make sure to keep eating enough and take my prenatal. Believe me, I eat enough and I’ve been taking this prenatal for over a year now. There’s got to be something else? I ‘ve seen “hair vitamins” , should I use one of those or can you suggest any particular supplements that might help?



Malibu, CA

Dear Gabriella,

Congratulations! Well, on one hand there are indeed a few nutritional supplements that ‘work’, that people have successfully used to improve the growth and condition of their hair. On the other hand

Holidays are supposed to be a time of reflection, companionship and joy. And they usually are, until you get sick. Yes, the Cold & Flu season is here again and waiting to pounce. But we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to whip that immune system into shape and keep it running at full power so you enjoy unwrapping presents instead of another box of Kleenex. You can do any or all of these things, but don’t wait too long to get started. Fall in, soldier!

If you regularly buy things like shampoo, conditioner, and skin care items at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed that those products are expensive and full of unpronounceable, unfamiliar chemical ingredients. Would you like to read about some less-expensive, better-performing alternatives, with more natural and fewer synthetic ingredients? Welcome to today’s blog post, all about natural body care alternatives.

Q: We’ve noticed the many different cleansing products available now and have a few supplement-using friends that strongly advocate cleanses. We wonder if you could give us a little guidance on choosing the best one?

A: There seems to be a lot of confusion about cleansing products. Customers can have a hard time determining if they need one at all, what the differences are between cleansing products and how to go about choosing a product. Here’s an overview of cleansing products and what they can and can’t do for you.

Most people are familiar with diabetes and hyperglycemia. After all, both are extremely common. But when you ask most people what diabetes and hyperglycemia really are – even persons who have diabetes or hyperglycemia – it’s clear most people don’t understand either condition.
Because the answer you usually get – “high blood sugar” – isn’t really correct.