Archive for the ‘Women’s Health’ Category

People have used the power of foods and herbs to enhance their love lives since time immemorial. Some of these foods have more of a scientific basis for being effective (note the zinc content of oysters) than others (powdered rhino horn). But besides oysters and heart-shaped pizza, other foods and herbs can enhance your love life, too.

It happens to all of us. You run out of time before you run out of presents to buy. And even if you do have the time, the last thing you want to do at this time of year is get back in the car again and go off to do battle at the nearest mall or big box store. Well we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together great His & Hers Gift Baskets full of our most popular and natural bodycare products and fragrances. For little more than you’d pay for a bottle of cologne at the mall, an AllStarHealth Gift Basket will delight your recipient with whole basketful of gifts. And it even includes the cologne. But act quickly since supplies are limited!

Admit it. You get tired of the same old protein shakes. Well we hear you. So we’ve compiled some recipes, ingredients and enhancements you can use to perk up the taste and nutritional profile of your shakes.

If you regularly buy things like shampoo, conditioner, and skin care items at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed that those products are expensive and full of unpronounceable, unfamiliar chemical ingredients. Would you like to read about some less-expensive, better-performing alternatives, with more natural and fewer synthetic ingredients? Welcome to today’s blog post, all about natural body care alternatives.

People spend billions of dollars each year on skin care products of every description, all in hopes of achieving clearer, healthier or younger-looking skin. But before you spend another dime on an overpriced/overhyped moisturizer, think about this; any skin you can see is dead tissue, and as such, there isn’t much you can put on it to make meaningful, long term changes in its health or appearance. To achieve that, you’ve got to cultivate good skin from the inside out. Here’s your simplified guide to good-skin nutrition.

If you’re one of the millions of people who use commercial hair dyes to lighten or perm your hair, you already know that the peroxide in those products damages your hair. A new study shows that by adding an inexpensive antioxidant to a peroxide hair dye, the hair is protected without affecting the results. This is a golden opportunity for that industry to launch a new generation of better, healthier products.

Q: We’ve noticed the many different cleansing products available now and have a few supplement-using friends that strongly advocate cleanses. We wonder if you could give us a little guidance on choosing the best one?

A: There seems to be a lot of confusion about cleansing products. Customers can have a hard time determining if they need one at all, what the differences are between cleansing products and how to go about choosing a product. Here’s an overview of cleansing products and what they can and can’t do for you.

With the summer just about behind us, students of all ages are trying to get back into the swing of classes, tests, studying, reading and memorization. We always receive a a few emails around this time of year asking about supplements to improve memory, concentration, verbal skills, physical and mental energy. The good news is, yes, there are some great supplements you can start using right now. What’s the bad news?

Mailbag Q: I am a busy 38 year-old mother of 2 who works part time. I have been struggling with feeling sluggish and tired for months. I always wake up tired and need coffee right away just to function. I ‘m gaining more and more weight and am too tired to exercise. I haven’t changed my diet but according to my doctor, everything is “normal”. I am so frustrated and tired of being tired! How can I increase my metabolism?
A: To increase your metabolism, there are four areas to look at.

Most people are familiar with diabetes and hyperglycemia. After all, both are extremely common. But when you ask most people what diabetes and hyperglycemia really are – even persons who have diabetes or hyperglycemia – it’s clear most people don’t understand either condition.
Because the answer you usually get – “high blood sugar” – isn’t really correct.